A pleasure to read such a well thought out article, and your more 'philosophical' postface is very thought-provoking indeed. Thank you.

Just a few notes: you refer to 18-MC as 8-MC in a couple of instances; may be worth amending. Also, one typo on Spravato, where it reads "Spravado". Your rabbit hole links both point to Shulgin's wiki entry, not the respective books.

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Nice article and timely too. Seeing as how much people are suffering from being forced into lockdown, lossing their jobs or just fearing of losing their jobs, one can see how a come back of the shroom could be a big trend. Also, it seems to me that society is becoming more permissive after a long time of morally tainted restrictions. Drugs, like any other thing in life is in a boom-burst cycle. After the crack epidemic, obviously, it crashed and no one wanted to have anything to do with drugs. But now that Cannabis is being sold at every corners, now that alcohol is ubiquitous, I can see young adults try mushrooms again, like in the 70s. Every generation has its woodstock’s fomo and this generation on teenagers is quite fed-up to have to watch who and how the mingle with, how they should avoid veneral diseases, etc. And look! Netflix already has a flurry of documentary series about psychedelics! If that doesn’t tell you that mushrooms are at play, I don’t know what would...

If on top of that psychedelics are adopted by the medical community, the Nirvana is closer than ever. No pain, big gain ;-)

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This is a truly remarkable piece of very hard work. Your command of the English language combined with strong logic and a pleasant reading style makes you very persuasive. I have no words to match your writing style. Thank you. I was very fortunate to have been seen by Dr. Paul Groff who is one of the top psychiatrists in the world. He has now retired at 80 years young. I asked him to tell me what he would have liked to have in his black bag to treat patients. Without hesitation he said psychedelics! I wasn't surprised. His brother is Stan Grof who has spent his life studying these wonderful mind tonics. I too am an advisor with 40 long years of experience. I sat for 3 years on an ethics review board for all research being done in the Ottawa area hospitals. EIi Lilly was doing phase 3 trials at the time and I was privy to the data before it was approved as the first SSRI. Made a tidy bundle on that one. I specialized in pharma stocks when there wasn't a single brokerage following the industry in Canada. A bit lonely some days. I got in very early in Incyte and a number of other big plays as my experience grew. (Keep an eye on InIvitae NVTA).

I own MMED. Your understanding of the firm is the best I've seen yet. So good luck with your endeavors. You are going to do very well. If you know how to do it I believe you have what it takes to monetize your work. I'd also be happy to chat with you some time.

This link will open clips on both of the Grof brothers, https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dr.+paul+grof

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